The Stairway to Heaven Trail - Oahu, Hawaii

A one in a lifetime hike!


The beauty of Hawaii is truly captivating with so many adventures to experience!  It was during the year of 2020 when I discovered my love for hiking. During this time the world was changing drastically, primarily due to the COVID pandemic. Most gyms were closed, cycling classes were being cancelled and most activities that were consider ordinary hobbies were no longer accessible. This is when I discovered a new hobby and not only a new hobby, but I encountered my love for hiking and truly appreciating the beauty of nature.

After hiking various trails throughout Georgia and Alabama, I decided to plan a trip to Hawaii to take my experience of hiking to another level. I came across a Stairway to Heaven Hike photo online and this is when I knew this would be a journey that I would not forget. Especially since it has been planned for the stairs to be torn down by the end of 2022.

So, my best friend and I decided to take a trip to Hawaii to relax on the beach along with a splash of adventure to hike to see the incredible Stairway to Heaven.


A little background… The Stairway to Heaven hike on Oahu, Hawaii, also known as the Haiku Stairs. The stairway consists of a whopping 3,922 stairs! These stairs can be very intimating because they go straight up the mountain for miles and there is only a handrail you could hold on to if you happened to slip, fall, or get tired and/or need to rest. The stairs were originally built in the 1940’s by the U.S. Navy. The stairs are located on the eastern side of Oahu and is approximately an 18-minute drive from Honolulu.


Due to the stairways being illegal to climb up; we went the legal way (legal route) … the back way around the mountain to be able to capture the views of the Haiku stairs. This route is much longer and harder. On this route you don’t use the stairs to see the views, but you can walk partway down the stairs to capture some pictures and see the amazing views.




We started early in the morning and finished the hike late afternoon. The hike in total took us almost seven hours. yes, the journey led us 4.5 hours climbing up and 2 hours climbing down. The trail consisted of steep narrow areas and rocky paths. Some areas on the trail were muddy while other areas were grassy. I had to take more breaks than I anticipated due to my legs getting cramped up. Although, I was not new to hiking this was my first time, hiking over four hours.  

For those who plan to take this hike, I recommend you start preparing for this hike at least 6 months in advance to build up your endurance and leg strength. Also, if you are afraid of heights, then this is not the hike for you. Throughout the trail there are areas that you must climb high up to get to the other side of the trail. On scale the between easy, moderate, and difficult, this hike is rated hard.



Despite the pain of my legs cramping up, at times getting out of breath due to the high elevation, the hike was completely worth it!  The landscaping and views throughout the entire hike were breathtaking with sprinkles of paradise. I was able to experience some life lasting memories with my best friend and we met some cool peeps during this hike. This hike was truly a one in a lifetime experience…so much so it was as if we were getting a glimpse of heaven.



  • It is highly recommended that you prepare for this hike by exercising to build up your endurance

  • Bring plenty of water, light snacks, a small first aid kit, light jacket, backpack, and wear hiking boots

  • Be prepared to do a lot of climbing up the mountain for hours

  • Take small breaks if needed during the hike

  • Take lots of pictures



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